A happy villager with his cash crop of bananas- autumn 2017
In 2014 an irrigation project was initiated in nine villages in Mwanza. The main income in this area was from charcoal burning which has had a devastating effect on the area as there was not a
sustainable management of tree planting to replace the cut down trees. The villagers were concerned as with the depletion of the trees their income was greatly reduced.
The villagers requested from Seedsowers a supply of Treadle pumps to help them cultivate land near the Shire River to grow cash crops for sale in the nearby towns. The pumps were supplied and
cash crops were grown successfully.
Although there has been some setbacks the project is ongoing with successful growing of Maize, tomatoes,beans,peas and bananas.
The villagers are now being organised into cooperatives to make the cultivation more efficient.
The irrigation project land has been terraced crops seen growing-summer 2018
Amos the Co-operative consultant talking to the Co-operative committee
Villagers preparing to build mini dams to enable flooding of their cultivated land during the rainy season
Sadly this wonderful project has been completely devastated by the recent flooding. Please see our Co-ordinator's update
We rejoice that due to Seedsowers Flood Appeal that funds have now been raised to completely reestablish the program and sustain the villagers with food etc. and provide the necessary
funds for seeds and fertiliser for replanting.
Our grateful thanks to all who generously responded to this appeal. May God bless you all.